ACWC concert / project sponsorship fund.
Applications for the Spring 2025 Concert/Project Sponsorship Fund are now closed.
The ACWC/ACC Concert/Project Sponsorship Fund supports funding for concerts, events, or workshops organized by an ACWC member or if a key collaborator is an ACWC member.
Funding under this category will be given for concerts or projects that involve a minimum of 3 ACWC/ACC members (any membership type whether composer or musician).
General information.
For 2024-2025 we have 1 deadline period: March 24, 2025
March Deadline - Proposed concerts/projects must occur between July 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025.
Each deadline has an amount of funds to be awarded to projects submitted to that particular period.
The total amount may be awarded to one project or divided among two or more, depending on the pool of applications and types of proposed projects.
Proposed projects must involve at least 3 ACWC members (holding any membership type).
Members can be involved in the event/project as a performer, composer, organizer, participant (such as a mentor, presenter).
Please be aware that this is A MINIMUM NUMBER as it is strongly encouraged to involve more ACWC members.
The ACWC member submitting the application must submit their ACWC Member Profile to our Secretary, Katherine Bonness if they have not already.
Concert/Projects can be in-person or digital/online.
Events can occur internationally but keep in mind that if awarded support, funds will be in CAD.
Who May Apply?
Any current ACWC/ACC member as an individual or on behalf of a group of ACWC/ACC members regardless of age and holds any membership type can apply. Please note: ACWC/ACC members can only receive this grant once per fiscal year.
Complete Information & Guidelines
Please read the complete information & guidelines below before applying.
The deadline for the Spring 2025 period has passed.
Deadline To Apply – March 24, 2025
Total Amount For This Deadline’s Concert/Project Sponsorship Fund – $1250
Award decisions communicated – early April, 2025
How to apply.
Submit the completed application form below by or on the deadline.
If you have any questions about applying to this fund, please contact our Secretary, Katherine Bonness at:
Final Report
Should your project be awarded funding, you are required to submit a Final Report AFTER your concert/event has taken place in order to receive payment of the fund. You have a maximum of 2 months from the event date to submit the form. Otherwise, funds may not be transferred.
This form requests an updated budget, copies of receipts for all expenditures covered by the grant, and to briefly summarize the project.
Delay Requests
1. If the project is delayed beyond the period for which funds were allotted, please submit this Project Delay Request Form to request an extension for the funding. Please note that each deferral must be requested via this form and approved by the Board.
2. Members have the ability to request a delay for their project up to one year from the original event date.
3. Members can request an additional delay of one more year (total of 2 years from the original event date)
4. Members can only request a maximum of two deferrals before the awarded funds will return to the Concert Sponsorship Fund pool for future periods.