Why become a member?

  • Community.

    Members are invited to join general meetings to get updates and stay informed about ACWC events, contribute to discussions and meet other members. There are opportunities for members to share their work, collaborate, network and organize initiatives within the organization and beyond.

  • Member profiles & directory.

    Initiated in 1987 and originally published in print form, the members directory is now online and includes approximately 100 Canadian women composers. Members get highlighted on our website’s Member Profiles and help artists, musicians, ensembles, and arts organizations to check out our members’ work.

  • Access to SoundBox.

    SoundBox is a monthly email newsletter featuring upcoming concerts of ACWC members’ music and composer opportunities. Members can submit content to be featured and distributed to the membership each month.

  • Access & involvement with the ACWC Journal.

    ACWC produces a professional online publication, produced biannually. The Journal features members’ writings about their own musical activities, projects, concerts and events, with special emphasis given to new members. Other contributors’ writings present ideas, musical contexts and opportunities relevant to ACWC. Each edition also includes a wealth of pertinent musical announcements and composer opportunities: concerts, workshops, competitions, networking and more.

  • Opportunities & resources.

    ACWC provides funding opportunities for members to support and organize concerts, various projects, compositions, education-based initiatives and more.

  • Publicity initiatives.

    We share our members’ music through our monthly playlists on SoundCloud and regularly help promote members’ events and content through our social media.